Since 2016, Viet An Technology Joint Stock Company (VIET AN JSC) has becoming one of a few importers coal directly from Indonesia to domestic market.
Accompany by our vast stockpile facilities and near industrial zones, we supply coal to the market with an average coal delivery reaching 50.000 tons per month in accordance with our high-quality standard.
In the last 5 years, we have always maintained and increased our business output year by year and increasingly affirmed to be a reliable partner of businesses that use coal for boilers in production in the fields of textile dyeing, packaging, paper, animal feed, food, thermal power…
The amount of coal sold to the market grows year by year.
1. Coal sourcing – quality evaluation – chartering – directly importing
With years of experience working with the mines located in Indonesia, we determined the most suitable coal sources for the Vietnam market, maintained good cooperation with many mines, as well as signing long-term contracts to guarantee the constant supply to fulfill the demand of our customers with the most affordable price.
Thanks to the globally respected independence surveyors we cooperated with, such as SGS, Sucofindo, Inspectorate, TCRC… we can guarantee the quality of Indonesian coal resources ported by us will be in accordance with ASTM standards.
Being an absolute professional importer, we purchase coal based on FOB price and are flexible to charter vessels (Panamax, Supramax, Handysize…) sea barges as possible to deliver coal from Indonesia directly to discharging ports in Vietnam. We are “quick and fast” in discharging cargo as soon as vessels/ barges arriving in Vietnam. Therefore, we are saving maximum expenses and cost during importing.
2. Reserve- screen – quality control – Delivery
Currently, we have invested in two large stockpiles (warehouse) at Go Dau – Dong Nai province and Can Duoc – Long An province.
Kho Gò Dầu
Cảng Gò Dầu B, huyện Long Thành, tỉnh Đồng Nai, Việt Nam Sức chứa: 50,000 tấn
Năng suất chế biến và giao hàng: 1,000 tấn/ngày
Long An stockpile (warehouse and yard):
Tan Thanh Long port, Can Duoc district, Long An province, Vietnam Capacity: 100,000 tons
Productivity: 1,500 tons per day.
With the system of screening and modern equipment at our warehouse, we do screening, classifying coal sizes, testing moisture, calorific value …to meet customer’s requirements
We have been investing own trucks and cooperating with many other carriers to ship our products, thus allowing us to be flexible to use many transportations in order to supply our customer as wished.